Winter Maintenance of Equipment…. A Necessity!

At the end of each fall season it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean the equipment. Whether you have a home owners mower and a few small tools or hundreds of pieces as we do maintenance is the most important winter ritual. Note: Always unplug your spark plug and remove the key before getting under the mowers. Check your maintenance schedule in your manual.

We like to start with first cleaning the machines underneath to remove old grass and scrape away any debris as you don’t want it sitting underneath rusting your deck away. Next is sharpening and replacing your blades. When blades are not sharpened or balanced damage to your lawn can occur. Blades of grass that look ragged and broken edged are a sign to replace or sharpen.

Draining and changing the oil especially for our commercial mowers are a must. Breaking down in the middle of a job is never a fun experience. With a white or black marker mark your filter on the day it was changed and how many hours were on the hour meter (if available). Check the spark plug and fuel filter and replace as needed. If you have a larger mower or commercial mower like a z turn you will also have to check the hydro fluid to see if it needs replacing or filling. Unplug the battery and put in a cool/dry place on a piece of cardboard. Lastly, give what ever piece of equipment you are maintaining a good wash and wax. Keeping equipment in pristine condition is something we take very seriously.

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